Help! live rock critters


hey i just bought a bunch of live rock and there was tons of stuff on it. i havnt cycled my tank yet and i dont know if they will survive. here are some pics please take a look and if anyone knows what they are please give me some input!!! thanks!!!
the first one i think are sponges.. will they survive the cycle??
the second one i think is a mushroom... sorry about the pic ( extreme zoom of the center of it) will that survive the cycle??
And also i bought some macroalgae and there is a bunch of centipede looking worms... are those the "dreaded" flatworms or what any ideas?? i have pic but wont fit on attachment. Please let me know!!!
Thanks in advance! :happyfish



Active Member
I'm not sure about the first two, but I think that the worms you describe may very well be bristle worms. Check out the hitch hiker thread for pics. If that's what you've got, they're not a problem for a new tank.
Lisa :happyfish


Mona is most likely correct. If they are bristle worms they are good. Post a pic if you can. Everything could live but any type of coral will most likely die.