HELP live rock curing again!


So after doing a drastic aiptasia removal of boiling the live rock in freshwater, I placed the rocks back in the tank. I did a water test and everything was fine. Later the water gets cloudy and the ammonia is 1.0 and the water smells terrible. I only have a clarkii clownfish and a sixline with some snails and hermits in the tank and they all seem unaffected by the ammonia level. Will the ammonia get worse than 1.0? I have a 10 gallon empty tank but no extra heater right now. So should I remove the fish and take the heater from the main tank? But then doesn't the rock need a heater to cycle? Please help, I don't know what to do


You are experiencing die off from boiling it in FW. There is no telling how high the ammonia is going to spike. You either have to remove the rock into some rubbermaid tubs or remove any livestock that is in the tank and do some quick water changes in your display. Being that a lot of the life on the rock is dying from it being boiled, I would worry more about your fish and inverts than I would about your rock not being warm enough. Unless the room that the rock is in is very cold, I would not be too concerned with it not having a heater right now.