Help, losing hammer coral



help, don't know what happened, yesterday am it was fine, did water changes, tonight I get home from work and it is shriveled up, major skelatin showing, some death on it. all other corals fine, everything opened up. used same water in all 3 tanks, no problems in any other tank.
it is about 9" from 72w of pc on a ten gal tank
water tests
ammonia 0
trite 0
trate 0
calc 450
alk 9.1
ph 8.3
salt 1.023
temp 78
mag 1465


The water should be fine and lighting is enough. Are there any other corals around or near it? The only thing I can think of is that it might of gotten stung by another coral.


If anything, the hammer would sting another coral before it was stung. Even when they die and the tenticles begin to float around the water they can still sting.
It may have been already damaged if reciently bought. Or if you have crabs other than hermits they may have damaged it. Once the "brown slime" begins,it's on its way out. You may be able to save it by hacksawing the sections with slime out of the skeleton (totally cutting away the bad piece). That's the only way I know how to save them.


Maybe it is something with your tank. I cannot keep a hammer coral in my tank. Frogspawn thrives and grows like crazy. Hammers retract and never fully open. I dont know why since hammers and frogspawns are so similar. I have tried different positions, water movement, everything. I just gave up..


I guess I am going to go with scarybo's theory and not try this again. This is the first time I have lost a coral and don't know why, but I don't want to kill another one, so I give up on hammers.