Help!!!! Lost A Turbo Snail, Coral Shrimp, now the Sea Star is ill.
I thought the snail died of age but I think the one Saltwater Hermit crab is killing the bottom dwellers? first I found the crab trying to get into the turbo snails shell after it died so I took the snail out the next day my coral shrimp was in the corner out in the open and seemed to be molting but was dead with damage to its head, now 2 days ago the seastar was in a place it never hid at night seeing it there when I turned the lights on was not normal, but it looked ok and crwaled off under a live rock the next day it was in the same place and as it craweld away I saw that it's main body was torn up like it about 1/2 of the center disc was all ragged and it's insides exposed, but it was still alive and crawled away. I had all of these guys for about the same amount of time with no issues and never lost a fish yet! can a hermit crab behave in this way? if so he has to go asap. any help with this would be great just so you know I did test the water there was a trace of Amonia after the snail died but I did a 20% water change the first day then a 10% and the levels are back to normal, I wish I had a pic of the seastar but I doubt he would make it another day so I am going to have to look for him in the morning. I have a 55gal with about 40 lbs of live rock 1 clown @1", a yellow Tang @ 3". a yellow tail damsel @ 1/2", a blue devil damsel. ok I got a pic he's still alive somehow? these were taken 2 days apart
this day 2 I had to take him out to get the photo he's a gonner anyway