Help Lr Arrived Early -urgent!!!


Active Member
I specifically asked for my LR to be delivered FRIDAY as I was out of town until just now Thursday night. I got confirmation email that rock was shipped yesterday and FEDEX tracking had it arriving tomorrow NOT TODAYl. I have no clue how long it sat outside in the heat but the Rock is sticking out of the box as it soaked through and there are a ton of flies and a stench. What the do I do? I want my Rock tomorrow like I requested when I made the order on Tuesday and this co. has no contact number. What do I do? Do I add it to my tank now or can I send it back? NEED ADVICE


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
I specifically asked for my LR to be delivered FRIDAY as I was out of town until just now Thursday night. I got confirmation email that rock was shipped yesterday and FEDEX tracking had it arriving tomorrow NOT TODAYl. I have no clue how long it sat outside in the heat but the Rock is sticking out of the box as it soaked through and there are a ton of flies and a stench. What the do I do? I want my Rock tomorrow like I requested when I made the order on Tuesday and this co. has no contact number. What do I do? Do I add it to my tank now or can I send it back? NEED ADVICE
isnt tomoro friday?


Active Member
TAKE PICTURES BEFORE! and then again when they are in the tank I wanna see it straight out of the box. unfortunatly you can only contact them Via e-mail.
of course it arrived today nothing can go right on friday the thirteenth (tommorrow) there is no way you would get your shipment tommorrow.

cadillac swang

yea just rinse real good and you said it had a stinch, make sure their was no coral attached (hitchhiker) because the rocks should have no smell to it, but then again i never left mine out in heat


Active Member
In a panic I emptied the box into my tub of saltwater. I asked my neighbor and it arrived this morning. The rock fell through the bottom of the box and the paper towels were pretty dry almost completely. It was 89 degrees here today. I'm very upset as I wanted to try to prevent as much die off as possible. I ordered it Tuesday morning to give them time. I don't know if the rock is good to me anymore?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cadillac Swang
yea just rinse real good and you said it had a stinch, make sure their was no coral attached (hitchhiker) because the rocks should have no smell to it, but then again i never left mine out in heat

No stench that was my cast net that was sitting in my porch.

ric maniac

Active Member
i had the same stench and the little black flies were swarming out of it! i was soo mad. it had the paper towels comletely dry! i feel your pain man.


Active Member
Its still good, just there is going to be more die off than if you had been there. its one of those things about this hobby, something will go wrong. get some water change water ready for the tub and if you have a bucket you can still rinse the pieces swishing them around will remove a lot of the dead crap. moniter the amoonia very closely, your going to have to work like hell to keep it under 1.0 if you can keep it under 0.5 would be best to keep as much on it alive as possible. there is still a bunch of stuff alive on it, its no worse than a super low tide in a tropic location. it probably wasnt out there more than 8 hours right?


Active Member
It could have been 9-10 hours depending on delivery time but that I don't know. I have some 31g rubber maid tubs that I was raising the salinity in. It was at about 1.021-1.022 but I just added some salt mixed in a little RODI water to try to raise it. I'll have to monitor that. I will add to my DT tomorrow night or Saturday morning but until then it's sitting in the tub. I'm pizzed b/c this is not my wrong its the wrong of SWF. 200 bucks is a lot of money and I'm sure that b/c of them I'll have a lot more die off than if shipped according to my specifications making my job more difficult. Should I press for another shipment? I think its in my right?


Active Member
I'd be livid. I'm not going to go into what I would do in a similar situation, I just know that there is no way I am going to order anything that requires special shipping instruction ever from said seller. Honestly I dont buy from anyone I can't speak to. I'm not bashing thats just how I operate been burned one too many times by faceless sellers. Thats also why I dont ship my corals out, been burnt on people not paying. "Checks in the mail" heard it before. I like face to face and a handshake at the end. I hope something works out for you. thats a rough first expirience for a new hobbiest


Active Member
My creedo used to be "if you want it bad, you get it bad." You know me I've put in soooo much research hours and have been so anal about making check lists and then check lists on the lists themselves. I've done all in my power to keep cost down but buy quality and make absolute certain that I don't make any bad decisions. I'm going to hold the rock hoping that I hear from SWF tomorrow. Check out my "here I go" thread as I'm done with this one. Time to move forward. But yeah I am not satisfied. I'm posting pics now.


New Member
That's sad about your rock. I would add some powerheads to the tubs to keep the water circulating and check for die off for at least three days before putting into your main tank. Good Luck


I would only be mad if I was trying NOT to cycle a new tank. This is perfect to cycle a new tank with and there WILL STILL BE GOOD stuff left alive deep inside the rock... Don't worry; all is not lost. Pick off the visable dieoff and you will be fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by myreef05
I would only be mad if I was trying NOT to cycle a new tank. This is perfect to cycle a new tank with and there WILL STILL BE GOOD stuff left alive deep inside the rock... Don't worry; all is not lost. Pick off the visable dieoff and you will be fine.
I agree, its fine for an uncycled tank. I know you paid for cured LR, but there is always some die off when its shipped anyway, maybe you will have more, but it ok, crittewrs can live deep in the pores of LR.