Help!!! Maiden's Hair


my Maiden's Hair just went asexual and luckily I cough it right when It started, I pulled out the rock I had on it, and did a 5 gal water change, and am planning on doing another 5 gal in the morning, hopefully everything will recover and I will not get any spikes!!... I am getting a shipment on Thursday !! and I don't want anything to die.
Anyone have any thoughts to help ??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
Run some carbon.
+1 on that... run the skimmer wide open, water changes.. get ready for damage control...
A friend of mine had his caleurpa go sexual while out of town and it wrecked his tank... it was on a reverse light schedule from the DT and I've heard that keeping caleurpa lit 24hours does help reduce the risk of it going sexual, but that's still iffy in my opinion. That's when I learned that while chaeto isn't quite as effective of a macroalgae for exporting nutrients, its quite a bit safer.


oh great... this could not of come at a better time!!!, Wednesday I am/was suppose to go look at a car
. ( subielover )
I think I cough it early enough where its not going to be super bad. but still


Active Member
If you caught it and addressed I wouldn't worry. It's when they sit in their unnoticed for awhile it becomes an issue. I've had it happen a 1000 times before while I was learning to keep macros. I've never lost anything...just ticked off corals for a day. When there is fish in there I always throw in an airline.
This is what one of my tanks looked liked.....