Help Me Choose a Fish please!


In a few days my tank will almost be a month old and I will go to the fish store to get my 2nd fish. It has to be reef safe and realitively peaceful and around $20 or less.
Any sugesstions besides a royal gramma?

kris walker

Active Member
Nurse shark.
Just kidding. A firefish might be a good choice. Anthias is another. Be careful of tangs--their prone to ich. Also, how big is your tank?


get a cleaner wrasse $6.99 , a percula clown fish
$14.99, yellow tang $19.99, pygmy basslet $14.99
all beautiful fish...


First of all how big is the tank..and 2nd it's only a month old??Has it completely cylcled yet??The one thing about this hobby is not to rush it..Believe me I know first hand after having many tanks crash....Total wipeouts in one day..Please do the fish and yourself a favor and go slow....I personally like triggers and lionfish..they seem very hardy and very disease resistant..It all depends on what u want..Think ahead and try to picture your tank a yr from now..what do you all want and what will co=exist with one another...


Ive had the clown since day 4 and my tank is 24 gallons- too small for anthidas? I think they are beautiful but I was told before that they need a huge tank.
Thanks for your imput...
are cleaner wrasses hard to keep?

kris walker

Active Member
I have a 29 gal.
I've heard cleaner wrasses are hard to keep, but that was my first fish when I was FO, and it was a great hardy little guy. IMO, no FO tank is complete without one. However, I've been told by a LFS owner that cleaner wrasses have been known to pick at coral polyps. So if you have corals, it might not be a good idea.
As for the anthias, I don't know. I had a 3 in little pink anthias and it was so, so cool, and very hardy. It would yawn and show how gigantic its mouth was. So neat!
They all died, together with 3 other fish, the morning after their first live brine shrimp feeding (which was not excessive). Don't ask me what it was, I fed at night, and in morning, all dead. It is still a mystery to me, as all the typical chemical levels were fine.


Active Member
i have to agree with surfin sam, the firefish are great little fishes, and do well in 25 galon tanks, so this might be areal good one to consider


Active Member
I think you should research a little harder and pick animals that will help your developing environment, something that might be an algae eater or a sand sifter.
a number of the fish above are these types of fish - I think each animal should have a job.


I used to really like a ton of fish but now since I can only have 4 I am really trying to find one thats really cool. Is there any way possibly that I could get a really really really small yellow tang and keep it for a while? Ive liked them since I was really little and I would really like one!
Thanks again... :D


I know this may be out of your Price rang, however I would go with 2 nice clowns. Even if you have to wait another week to buy the other clown......i would wait. They are hardy and pretty too! They will go great with a amenome in the future when your tank is established.
Or you could always go with a niger trigger. if you get it small and feed him certain foods, he may work out in a reef tank. Ive seen it happen. If not in about a year he will be a great trade to someone with a fish only tank. I have my eye on one now for a 29 gallon.


Triggers and loins in a 24 reef? I don't know about that.
I agree with livingwater, A nice pair of clowns would be nice. Get your clown a partner.
Look into a flasher or fairy wrasse. I've been researching them a bit for my 75 reef, I'll probably put one in with some jawfish, firefish and some pink skunk clowns. You could get any one of these fish.
I would attempt the tang.


I would not recomment the trigger in a reef. Like i said i have seen it done. i wouldnt do it; I want one for a fish only tank.
however if you want a really hardy and good fish that does not have ick or white spots written all over it a trigger would be a nice addition. you will just have to get rid of him when you start adding reef.
just forget the trigger deal. get you some clowns(2) and buy a lot of rock.....some good stuff. hey buy it piece buy piece. some of the best you can find. its only 29 gallons. it wont hold a lot of rock so make it the best you can find.


yeah. I thought tomatoe clowns were almost mandatory in a reef tank. :D :D :D they are really hardy fish.. with nice colors.. and I dont know anyone who would complain about them. they are great fish.