Help me get rid of this #$%# Condy!!!!


I warned them, I told them it wouldn't work, they wouldn't listen to me, and now, I can't get it out. It is embedded in a piece of live rock, and there is no moving that sucker... pun intended. It's not that he is causing such a big problem, actually he's doing quite well, it's just that he's getting so big, I can't stand it. And now that dh has said, "Let's try and get that thing outta there", I want it out yesterday. Why oh why don't you (precious) men listen to your wives? ESPECIALLY when they do all the research for a project, and all the upkeep, all the worrying and planning, and you just provide the cash? LOL...(you know I love ya!)
So, any ideas on how to get it to come out of the rock? So I can take it back to the LFS?
Thanks guys


maybe find a way to shade the area that it is at. That way when it sense the lack of light it will decide to move to a better spot. Then you can pull it out. Don't know if that will work but it sounds good.


Hi Rory!
The couple times I have traded off a baby rose anenome to the LFS, I just took the whole rock in. By the time we got to the store, the anenome was getting kind of pissed, and was starting to let go and the LFS person easily removed it from the rock. Then we could bring our rock back home.


Active Member
That's what I was going to say.....I did this twice. Aim the powerhead towards it to put more current on it, it will most likely not like this and detach its footing (or vise versa, if yours seems to like strong current). I caught mine in the in between stage, both mine went to the sandbed, then I bagged and returned. HTH