My LMB is breathing hard out of one gill and not the other, does he have a parasite or something? I set up a 10g tank for him with some rock out of the main tank and some water from the main tank also. what do I do now? :help:
i have had him for about a month and he has been eating all the time and was lookin fat but now he looks like he is stressed out i think he has somting in his gill, he is my only fish.
reef, how long have you had your tank set up and what are the water readings?
It is not very likely that the fish has something in its gill. Do you notice any parasites on the fish? Can you get a picture up? Use a magnifying glass and get a real good look at the fish then report any unusual findings.
I cant see anthing on him and today i saw him eating like always but every now and then he will only use one gill but most of the moring he was using both of them maybe he is ok i dont know:notsure: