Help me I.D. this PLEASE!


Active Member
Hi, and thanks in advance. I went to my LFS and bought this softy for $10. He had a colony on a piece of LR with about 10 total for $80. He wasn't sure what they are. This one is about 2 1/2" when fully open. It has purply soft flesh with neon green pimples. It does have a small mouth in the center. It is cenetered in pic. just above the coraline. Again, thanks for your help. The other pic. is of my zoas purchased online.



i have the same thing, i got it from my lfs but he didn't know what it was either. it's low light i know that, i have mine for about a month now and it's thriving but it hasn't spread anywhere.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fallinmor
i have the same thing, i got it from my lfs but he didn't know what it was either. it's low light i know that, i have mine for about a month now and it's thriving but it hasn't spread anywhere.
Yea, he was at the bottom but the lfs has MH. I have PC' so I put him about midlevel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I am not sure what we are looking at here. Can you circle it in paint or something?
Here it is, not to focused.

Now ya can go back up to the top pic. and see it better. Ha! Sorry, my pic. skills SUCK!


Active Member
Ok, tried to get a better picture here. Dead center, what is this type of coral? Please help Identify. Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
It looks like a frilly mushroom.or possibly yuma. :thinking:
Could be a ricordea too!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I know the pic. really sucks but I'm thinking that it's not a mushroom, I'm almost sure of that.


Active Member
looks like one of those yuma/ric things, but whatever it is it looks like a nice little guy to have.



Active Member
Thanks Luke. The more I look at it the more I want the whole colony for $80. Is that a good or bad deal? Anyone, Bueller...., Bueller?


Active Member
Well guys, I really appreciate the help. After lights went out last night I decided to look into tank with a flashlight and it was gone. This morning at lights on; still nowhere to be found. I refuse to destroy my display to find him.
Hopefully he will show himself soon. I miss him already
I am seriously thinking about getting that colony for $80. Good price or what?


A local guy here has the same thing. The colony has about a dozen "things" on it. He wanted $50 for it.

Either way they are really nice when they open up. Take a chance if your LFS will cut you a deal.



Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
i think its some kind of ricordia. doesnt look like a shroom
A ricordia is a type of shroom.

hot883, pic isn't very clear, but my first guess would be a ric yuma.