HElp me identify corals?


Active Member
I was wondering if all you camera buffs could help me and others out by hosting pics of your coral on here along with their name. I posted this thread in another forum but only got one pic, hopefully I will do better here. And please, if you have questions, please post them in another thread and do not hijack this one. This thread couyld become helpgul to all of us that are new to reefs and the names of corals.

mr. guitar

1. Trumpet Coral
2. Goniopora
3. Branching Goniopora
4. Green Star and Button Polyps (Green Star is on the left)
5. Kenya Trees


mr. guitar

Mr. Guitar, your third pic is of an Alveopora. Goniopora have 24 tentacles per polyp and Alveopora have 12.
Sorry 'bout that...thanks for remindin' me. For some reason I forgot what it was called. My bad.