HELP me identify this fish, plse.


New Member
I saw a fish yesterday that was brown with blue stripes through it. It looked like an angel, but I can't find it on any site. Does anyone own one of these or know what it is?
Thank in advance.


She said brown not gold right? Definitely an Annularis, one of the large angels. I've got a website where you can see a pic of one.


New Member
Thank you for the responses! Please (I hope you can) tell me the site where I can see this angel. I love it! It would add fantastic color to any tank. I'm not too fond of brown but this fish was so intruiging I want to know if my LFS can get one, but need to know it's correct name. Thank you again!


A great deal of info w/ pics can be found in a book called marine fishes by scott w.micheal, a must for the hobbyist,I looked for it for a long time and eventualy ordered it..this site swf has pics of a few angels on there take a look at those if you have not already, although I dont think the fish you are looking for is on there good luck


New Member
Nevurrmore, you've made my day!!!! Thank you so much, that's him! Now, how do I find out how big he will get? Would it be somewhere aroung 12"? How do I specify THAT fish and not the Annularis juv. (in the pic below it)?


nevurrmore.. good call, nice fish too,all I saw the first time was the juv..tangirl it is your option,but why would'nt you buy the juv.. and watch it grow and change colors..just a thought..enjoy, and keep in mind that most angels need great conditions to thrive..water,food,and tankmates


New Member
Thanks Peasly, That is a good idea. Will he definately turn brown with the horizontal lines as an adult? How old will he be when this change happens, and how long will this fish live?
So many questions...<wink> but thanks in advance!


Hey I'm glad I could help you out. I don't know a whole lot about this species though. I have seen a few of them in person and they are a nice fish. They will definitely look pretty much just like that pic and begin changing at about 4in or so. They are fairly hardy and will live up to 5 years or more if cared for correctly.