Help me make sure I am not forgetting anything in my set-up


A friend is tearing down his 29 and giving me everything inside. It includes a few mushrooms and a carpet anmenome (spell) and about 30-40 lbs of LR. So I am going to hurry my set-up along so that I can take it in under 14 days.
My set-up is listed under tank specs. Today I ordered 150 ls of sand from ESV, 20 lbs of live sand, Grounding probe, plumbing suplies, and test kits for trates calcium and DKH. My lights, pumps, and heater are on GFCI outlets. He is giving me salt and a hydrometer.
Is there anything I am leaving out?


Active Member
Sounds like you've got all your bases covered. Only thing I see is that you will be adding a carpet anemone to a brand new tank... potentially one that isn't finished cycling yet. The mushrooms might be able to handle it because they are tough to kill... but the carpet is much more sensitive. You could have problems with him.
Good luck though
75g Reef
My Site


I was wondering about the possiable problem with the carpet. I have a 10g tank for a hosp. tank. Should I put the 2 clowns and gamma in the tank and wait for the sandbed to mature a bit. I don't expect anything but nitrats to show since the rock is well established.


I think I would leave out the fish for now, I would also add more live sand I would use at least 30 if not 40 pounds. and if you are worried about the anemone, I would be more than happy to keep it for you =)