help me out !


My family thinks my fish are always starving and they always want to feed them, I feed them 1-2 times a day and only enough that they can eat in a minute; I tell them over-feeding can be bad. Please help me out here and tell them how much eveyone feeds their fish. :D


I figured that, when you feed your fish you are essentially putting dead fish in the water- thats what most flake foods are made of. So, too much dead fish is not good if left uneaten. I feed my fish that much, too.
...just a thought...


Thanks for your comment.I Love2Ride (motorcycles)?,anybody else have any comments,very important!!!! TIA


overfeeding can be very bad especially if its flake food because the flakes rot very fast you should feed (like you said) about 1 maybe even 1 1/2 minutes for larger fish
i am going to feed my fish a variety of food, omega1 flake food, seaweed selects frozen brine shrimp (with garlic), and pygmy angel formula for my flame angel
hth :)