Help me pick my lights!!!!



I have a 75G tank. When I was originally setting it up a while back, I was talked into getting some T5 HO lights by the fish store guy. I have a 36" actinic, 36" 10,000K (both 36 watts I think), 48" actinic and 48" 10,000K (both 56 watts I think). They were "do-it-yourself" things, came with basically the little endpice plastic tube holders, the lights, some electrical wire, and a ballast for each set of lengths. I did this cause it was like 1/3rd the price of buying a ready made hood fixture thing.
Well....I've decided I want to try to keep SPS and other more expensive, light intensive corals. I'm PRETTY sure these 4 t5s arent good enough for
what should I get? I have way more money available now than back then, so I can afford up to around 300$ or so (maybe a LITTLE higher, if you think it would be worth it for that "next level" fixture). I like the solor I get with my T5' I'de like to stick with that style somehow if possible. Should I be looking at 4X48" fixtures, or 6X48"....8X......what? give me your advice.


thanks for the fast reply
but what size is that though? how many t5s go in that? 4,6, or 8? arent there multiple variations of the brand?


Active Member
The 48inch Nova extreme pro only comes in a 6x54w configuration..
You said around $300... thats about as good as it gets for around $300.
You'll be able to keep SPS in the top half of the tank without any issues.
check the mountain of pets for the best deal..