Help me please loinfish and other experts!!!


I say yes -- for a while only. I seem to be in the minority on this one though :( You need to keep in mind that although that fish is SWEET, you will need to either move to a bigger tank later (some say if you know that, either start off bigger -- while I say maybe I'm just trying out the hobby before I drop serious bones on it but still want sweet fish as opposed to the little doodie fish) or have the humanity to find the fish a suitable home later in its life. BOTH of these options in my mind are better than the average hobbist buying that fish and killing it because he/she didn't know they could 'overfeed' a tank or some other novice error. Your ahead of the game already by researching online and asking questions that don't give concrete answers but make you make a personal decision based on tons of factors. Do what makes you happy and is right for the fish in you own heart.
Robby :)


LionFish says......
Well, not necessarily are you a minority Robby but you sure don't have my point of view on things. I see that you have the view of putting big fish in little tanks and when they get too large they get shipped off. Not my idea but if it works then thats all that matters. However I could not imagine getting rid of my Lions or Harlequin Tusk and I wouldn't dare give away my BlackCap Basslet. The point I try to make, which has gotten me a place as a shark, is that in this hobby you have to be open-minded about some things while others have to be on the straight and narrow for good reasons. If you do get the fish and have a larger tank to get then I salute you and you should go get the sucker however if you are not planning on getting a bigger tank then you will have to get rid of him withing a good 8 months if he is the only fish in the tank. I'll let this sit in your mind just as a simple reminder that fish aree living breathing animals that we have the responsibilty of taking care of. Take good care of your animals. Hey, get a bigger tank of about 100 gallons and then get a couple awesome fish and then move them in there.

green wolf

New Member
thanx again lionfish i owe you 1. what about a a darwf lionfish or any lion fish im in 6 months upggradeing to a 75 gallon what could i keep in there???


LionFish says.....
Now you're talking! 75 gallons is great for aggressive tanks. Well, I love lions so an aggressive tank is not complete without a lionfish. Hmmmm..... I would not get a Volitan as they grow to big. But there are others that are really cool. You have the choice of A)A nice red Antennata, B) A vibrant Radiata, or C) The always cool and compact Dwarf. I would avoid Fu Manchus as they are well rather hideous and not as hardy as the rest. Try either of the 3 and you will have an awesome fish. If you got anymore questions just ask.


LionFish says......
If ya get them small and I do mean small. It could work for 6 motnhs but no longer. Make sure the Undulated isn't picking on the lion. They will pick on just about anything. So get them small and it should work.