Help Me Please


New Member
I just bought some live rock a couple days ago and yesterday I noticed a little coral polyp poking out from one of the holes in my rock... I'll try to take a picture of it so I can id it. But my question is now that it is there how do I take care of it? My wife will kill me if it dies she has fallin in love with the concept of coral in the tank. I'm already supplementing my water now with iodine, and strontium and others. What do I feed it if at all?
And what kind of lighting (inexpensive) should I have?


I am a newbie but hey everyone what about powercompact smartlite can be fairly inexpensive as lighting goes got a 48" retrofit (means you install under a hood for under $100 or a full hood I've priced at $155.00 you can email me at if you really want to know where - just don't feel right posting it on this site.