Help me Pufferlover or Anyone???


Would a Porc Puffer eat my live rock or dead coral???I plan on having that in with a Dwarf Lion.My filtration is good''pre filter protien skimmer,cannister filter,and UV light''.This in a 75 gallon.When should I introduce these fish after I cycle it.


New Member
the longer you wait the better. trust me i had to learn the hard way.when i first want to set up a tank , i put water salt and some chemical in a 30g and put a p puffer in it a week later, bad bad bad, he died , naturally, way to soon . the longer you wait the better.
the puffer would forage and take bites out of the rock but i dont think it would eat it. porc dont eat cc either. introduce them once the tank is completly cycled. try to get the fish as small as possible. porcs get big.


I would not worry about the puffer eatting you live or dead rock, they will eat almost anything but I think they draw the line with that. As for when you should add the fish, after the tank has cycled let it sit with nothing in it for a couple two or three weeks, to make sure everything stays settled, test your water, and if everything is normal, I would add the puffer first, wait about a month then add the next fish. Remember the key to enjoying this hobby is patience. Good Luck