Help me real quick. Simple ?


Hi there i havent posted a thread in forever. I have a quick ? if yall can help me but im sure all of yall can anwser it but here it is. On my instant Ocean Hydrometer it reads 1.021 inbetween 1.022. Is that good or does it need to be alittle more higher like 1.023 or 1.024. It got to high at one point but i got it down because all my corals where dieing so i figured out why they where dieing and thats why. It was at like 1.028 very bad i know but if u can anwser that one ? that would be awsome!
Thank u for ur time


Active Member
You should have your LFS back your readings up with a refractometer before making any changes. Those swing arms are great for verifying what you "already know," but I wouldn't trust them for a reading that moves you to making specific gravity changes.
In other words, while the reading you are getting is low (1.024-1.026 is pretty normal for reef systems), your hydrometer could be wrong.


no i dont think its the temp. My temp is at 78-80. Isnt that good? i have a maroon clown in there with about 20 to 24 pounds of Lr and i have live sand in there also with 3 scarlet hermits and 2 turbo snails and thats it. The clown is about little bigger than an inch so hes still very small. Got him awile back and he lived when my hyrdrometer read 1.028.


O yea i 4got to mintion i have a 12 galloon aquapod with a good heater that keeps the water temp good.


Active Member
Most fish will be okay indefinitely in as low as 1.019 or so, so you are fine.
If you have any inverts on the other hand:
Any Corals
Any Anemones
Feather Dusters
... etc. Anything that's NOT fish then you need to be at 1.024 minimum.


I measuse my water with the plastic scale (square size with the plastic point inside / in the middle).
Do you have digital scale or which one is good (i think we need to be exact)