Help me shop, please


Active Member
I want to go SPS with lots of clams. Well maybe 5 or so. Anyhow here is what I am going with so far. I have 3 icecap 660's with 72" lights; I have 2 - 250 watt MH lights and 1-400 watt MH light that is just the lights. Now I am going with the Euro Reef 8-3 skimmer, I have a Mag 12 for the return pump, maxi jets 1200 for water movement I think I have 6 of these. I need to get a Calcium Reactor I am thinking maybe a Korallin? I have a 55 gallon sump, I need something for top off water. I know I am missing stuff but cannot think what. besides LR/ LS but that is taken care of.
Okay help.
oh I forgot I already have a chiller.


isn't your tank a 240?
Your lighting is fine - what kind of MH bulbs? - I just switched my ALS bulbs to Ushio's and it is a world of difference - buck up for the 3002 model of the Korallin - I have the 1502 and I need to add another reactor chamber - just not big enough to handle a 240 gallon tank with 6 clams and 25 or so SPS corals.
For auto top-off I have a lifereef float that I use in the sump. It is plugged into a powerhead that sits in a 40 gallon rubbermaid container that is out of site. It works awesome and no more adding water to the sump daily (I am evaporating about 3-5 gallons a day.)
Only other thing is a RODI unit is a must with Halides.
You don't really need a controller unless you want to put your powerheads on alternate schedules.
Get a nice PH monitor (nice to have but not required) and you will go through alot of calcium tests until you get that thing dialed in...


Active Member
I forgot I ordered the RODI should be here this week.
So I should go bigger than the 1502, I need to do some more research.
I will check on the bulbs I have not even opened them. There is so much more to think about with sps and clams.
Oh ya for PH I got an aquacontroller this way I dont have to do anything but look at the PC. Much easier. At least I have 6 months before it will be ready