help me start my 5 gal tank


I already have a 55 up and running, but i want to set up a 5 gal tank for my nephew (they live close and i will take care of it). All that is going to go in there is 1 or 2 small fish but my question is what type of filter do i need, and can i just buy one of those 5 gal combos that cost like 40 bucks and use the filter and stuff that comes with it? Thanks


Active Member
If you haven't purchased it yet, I would suggest a 10g instead. Won't take up much more space, won't cost much more, the fish will be more comfortable and you may be able to keep it a little more stable.
For FO or FOWLR, the standard hang-on filter and lighting equipment it comes with will probably suffice.


Active Member
Look in to one of the Eclipse 6 or 12 systems. It is one piece with lighting and filtration in the hood and you don't need additional filter if you just keep it simple, maybe a heater and a powerhead. JMO