Help me stock my 125 reef


Active Member
I'll be getting it in 3 weeks. So far the confirmed occupants are a yellow tang, powder blue tang, sebae clown and mandarin goby.
What are some suggestions for other fish to add?
I'd like some more tangs, and I'm interested in some schools of fish as well.
Thanks for any suggestions you may have!


From what I have read, you're pushing the envelope with two tangs (I have not tried it). I just mentioned that because you mentioned you would like some more tangs.


I agree. 2 tangs in a 125 is all you should put. As far as schooling fish I like the chromis, or anthias. The chromis are inexpensive and stay farily small. The anthias look better, get bigger, and have a bit of a price tag on them. Also some other possible occupants would be royal gramma, bengaii cardinal, and velvet wrasse.

mr hanky

before adding your mandrian goby besure your tank is well established!!! thay wont live without a good food source!!! check out psycodelic (spelling)goby as well. very cool fish!!!! very similar to mandrian!! mr hanky


I also think you should go with a hippo instead of a powderblue. Hippo tangs look better IMO and are hardier.


I agree, Powder Blues are extremely hard to keep. However, I have a 120 and I have a very big and healthy Hippo around 6" and really fat. I also have a beautiful Purple Tang and Sailfin Tang. All of these fish thrive in my tank very well. I would also recomend a Citron Goby. They are very cool when they hang out on the glass. A school of chromis are cool too. Purple fire fish add a cool color. Maybe a bleny of some sort and an Orange Spotted Goby. Clown fish are always a good addition. Don't forget about adding shrimp and stars as they can add great color and are great for cleaning. Hope this helps.