Help me stock my 55 aggresive tank


I want to stock my new 55 with aggressive fish. I know i want to get an eel and a trigger at least, but what kind of each do you recommend, and what other fish can i get? I dont really want a sfe unless i cant find anything else that isnt too expensive and the triggers i was looking at was most likely a huma huma. Anyone have any suggestions on what else to add? I want a tank full of killers =)...killers who respect each other though!


Huma Huma's gonna get really big, and so will any eels. I would say you could do a snowflake eel, and some smaller aggressive fish. (small puffers, dwarf lionfish, maroon clown)


Active Member
Hmmm- everything I have read says you can keep humuhumu triggers in a 55 but they are about the only type and a 55 may cramp them at full grown size. I was thinking about one for my soon to be 75gallon aggresive, so I would also like some more opinions on this.
If you were to get a humu I wouldn't think you could keep much else, maybe a SFE and one more smaller fish. If you did get a trigger, you should get a small one and be prepared to either get a larger tank down the road or have a home for it later.


Active Member
Buy a smaller eel to start with and it should be OK for awhile. A baby humu trigger would be fine in a 55 for awhile, but will eventually need a larger tank. Other fish you might want to add would be a hawkfish, wrasse, or one of the larger and more aggressive clown species (tomato, cinnamon, clarkii, etc). Blue spot puffers are also pretty cool and cheap.