help me stock my 90 gal FOWLR!


my tank is in the process of cycling and now it is time to start looking at fish. i was wondering if a huma huma and a zebra moray are thesable in my tank? anyway, please list all fish that i could put into my tank, or your own stock list in a 90 gallon setup.


i would take advantage of having a 90 and get a tang... maybe a bristletooth kole tang or a blue hippo tang... Also foxface are pretty cool and no matter what size tank(s) I have in the future, mine will always include a 6 line wrasse. They are great and move in and out of the rock work, fun to watch!


Active Member
clowns, firefish, jawfish, anthias, chromis, mandarin (will compete with 6line for food though), i'd stay away from a blue hippo, but go with a kole or tomini instead. some type of dwarf angel is alway snice also. plus royal gramma or chalk basslet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ackdaddy
anyone else
Asking someone to pick fish for your tank is kind of like asking someone to pick the options on your new car. What type of fish do YOU like? You mentioned an eel and trigger. Are you leaning towards a predator tank, or more of a peaceful community? By narrowing down your choices, it might be helpful for someone to give you suggestions.
FWIW, many of the larger predatory fish wil need a larger tank in time. This includes most triggers, lions, puffers, and some of the larger eels.


i really want the huma, some kind of eel, flame angel, 6 line wrasse, and something else..........would this work?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ackdaddy
i really want the huma, some kind of eel, flame angel, 6 line wrasse, and something else..........would this work?
Huma triggers are quite unpredictable and many of them become quite aggressive once they put some size on. I kept one that would attack my snowflake eel at feeing time. I agree with not keeping one with small peaceful fish.


how about a huma huma, flame angel, a tesselata eel, harlequin tusk, 6 line wrasse, and a powder blue tang?( im not tryig to piss the tang police off but on this site where you can buy fish, it says minimum tank size 90 gallons.) if no flame angel how about a coral beauty?


Active Member
Well a tessy would deystroy everything in there. How about a zebra eel, some other kind of trigger, etc.?


New Member's your tank.. you pick what you want in it.. just research before you buy and make sure your happy with what you get... don't put things in there you don't want you'll regret ever doing it