Help me take the next step!


I have had my 20g up for about 6 months now. I want to take the next step.
I currently have:
HOB filter,
beginner $40 hood and fluorescent bulb
20lbs of LR
I use RO water for all changes
2 psuedo clowns
1 mean 6-line
Large peppermint shrimp
1 Large emerald crab
5 hermits
3 turbos
1 chocolate chip starfish
I want to take the next step. I am happy with my fish stock. I introduced a golden blenny a couple of weeks ago but the clowns and 6-line tortured him until he died (my only casualty thus far!)
I would like to take the next step in my tank. I would like to dip my toe in the corals game to add some flare to my tank.
I dont know what I should do to make my tank more coral friendly. I am assuming I need to upgrade my lighting and possibly add some powerheads? I do not really know how much is needed. I am a college kid so I am not willing to jump up to a $200 lighting system but i do have some tax returns to spend.
Any ideas on what upgrades I need and them some good beginner corals? Are my fish coral safe?


Active Member
Lights are one of the most important items for your tank if you want coral. If you do not want to upgrade right now there are a few low light corals you can look into. You may be able to get some mushrooms and zoos until you upgrade. Get some powerheads right away and you have to get rid of the CC star if you are planning corals. They are not reef safe. If your sixline is acting like that then you may want to trade it in for a more docile fish, they are can be problematic.


I'd like to know about low light corals as well and if I can have any with my crappy light: 48" dual light strip with a 32w standard flourescent bulb and 48w MarineGlo bulb. I WILL upgrade at some point, but can't right now...


I am certinaly willing to upgrade my lighting. i have actually wanted to for some time now because I am a big fan of the blue actinic look. But if I am goign to upgrade, i want to do it right.
Anyone have any lighting suggestions for about $150? I only have a 20g tall


Active Member
I would go with a Nova extreme t5 fixture. I saw a 24" 4 bulb for about $154. Also check craigslist or a local fish forum with classifieds. You might find a good deal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nminunni
I was just looking at this one before I read your post. Any objections?
Really depends on what coral you want to keep and if you plan to upgrade in the future. One thing I found out is not to skimp on lighting. You will end up spending more in the long run. I would wait to see if you could find at least a four bulb if you plan to keep corals. Individual reflectors are a needed feature as well.


I am just a noob but if you buy the best you wont have to buy again. And if you up size your tank you will have a frag or hospital tank set up right.
Easy for me to say as I haven't even bought one piece of equipment yet. But I want all my ducks in a row so I dont spent money twice for the same thing.


OK I am now looking for a 4X T-5 hood with lights. I figure I will need a 10K plus actinic, which is obvious.
Does anyone know a good brand for reasonably priced? We would all buy BMWs if we could but I am looking more for like a nissan.
Are there any good sites online? I hate to trust my LFS with anything.
AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE HELP! I tried to take pictures to keep everyone motivated but the file size is too big, Ill try and shrink 'em


Active Member
Originally Posted by nminunni
PS I have a 20g High so i need to find lighting no longer than 20"
You are not going to find anything shorter than 24" in T5. There are ways of putting a slightly longer fixture on your tank. You could possibly get a clamp on metal halide for about $160, (Viper HQI Clamp Lamp), but I do not know anything about them.


Well-Known Member
Sponges are very colorful, easy to keep and they don't need light! Just plenty of water flow. (you can't have an angel fish, angels will eat sponges)
Also a chili coral likes the dark and they are really pretty! Bright red with little white stars all over them. These will work just fine under the lighting you already have.
In fact you may need to create a little shelf where light is blocked for these kind of critters. Lots of water flowing over and around them is how to keep them alive.
Sorry to tell you, but you will have to get rid of the chocolate star.


yea I am ok with ditching the chocolate chip.
so those two you mentioned, they have to be completely dark?
I could cover them a bit I suppose.
I do like the look of a blue actinic, there is no reason I shouldnt get a CF with a 10K and a blue act right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nminunni
yea I am ok with ditching the chocolate chip.
so those two you mentioned, they have to be completely dark?
I could cover them a bit I suppose.
I do like the look of a blue actinic, there is no reason I shouldnt get a CF with a 10K and a blue act right?
They do not have to be in complete darkness, just under a rock shelf. As for the lights that should be fine. Good luck and have fun!


I ended up getting the nova extreme 2x24 set up. MY LFS ordered it up for about what I could have ngotten it for online so I had them do that. I should have it in about a week.
My other problem is this. I have a 20 XH which has a length of 20" The Nova only comes in an 18". Any idea how this ballast is attached to the tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nminunni
I ended up getting the nova extreme 2x24 set up. MY LFS ordered it up for about what I could have ngotten it for online so I had them do that. I should have it in about a week.
My other problem is this. I have a 20 XH which has a length of 20" The Nova only comes in an 18". Any idea how this ballast is attached to the tank?
The legs might enable you to place it on the rim of your tank. If not I would have a piece of acrylic or glass cut about 2" longer and the same width as your light and you could place that right on top of your tank. This could also take place as a splash guard.


I ended up getting this one;
I have a 20XH so my lighting options are pretty limited. MY LFS ordered this set-up for me for about $80, which is close to what I have seen online, factoring in shipping and such.
I don't plan on going coral crazy and I think this should give me the opportunity to expand somewhat.
Next step is buying a piece of glass to act as a splash gaurd and cover and do some coral research. I feel like its day 1 again seeing how I know nothing of corals.
Its time to start a new challange!!
I will post pictures later this week when the new set-up is inplace