Help me to understand (sump Q's)


Ok i built a DIY sump/fuge/trickle out of a 55g tank and all is well but the flow rate.
At the LFS i get my stuff from they have a 125g using a Amiricle trickle filter with a Rio 3100(930gph) return pump running full bore on 3/4 inch tubing. also 1inch U tube for HOB overflo.
Now on my set up i have the Amircle overflo with 1 inch U tube and added a 3/4 u tube also.I am also using a rio 3100 pump but i am running a 1 inch return hose and have to throttle back a ball valve about half way to even out the flow or the pump will empty the sump.
what gives I'm using 2 u tubes same pump and have to throttle back. what makes the systems so much different? a 3/4 inch return line?


Active Member

Originally posted by wrassie86
what makes the systems so much different? a 3/4 inch return line?

Bingo!! the smaller pipe cuts their flow down ...


So in the sense i should be flowing a hell of lot more water then right?my goal was 5-700 gph, I figure i must fall in there some where.


Active Member
it might be that your overflow can't handle anymore flow. I'm NOT talking the U tubes, I mean the overflow...


ya your right there,when i added the extra 3/4 inch u tube i was able turn the 1 inch ball valve up to about 3/4 open, i know it maxed the overflo out.but it all seems good (the flo)