Help me with coral identification!

I got this guy from the LFS and they said it was a cauliflour coral, It doesnt look like the ones when I do a google search for it maybee someone will help.
Its about 2 inches tall



Active Member
Picture is a bit hard to see for sure, but looks like a red Carnation to me, try a google search , Carnation or Strawberry coral
If so, then very LOW light, and tons of phyto, they are pigs. But check google first to make sure it fits the build.


Active Member
looks like a carnation to me as well, i tried one, it did fine for about 2 months then it slowly started to fall apart, went back to the fish store a week later and saw thiers were doing the same
i wish you luck with yours
Thanks for helping me guys, unfortunately he died about 6 month ago, I got him early on and lasted about 5 or 6 months, mine did the same thing, just withered into nothing. Ive been wanting to get anothe but havent had much luck till now identifying it. Now that im keeping clams and a scallop one should be fine right they eat the same stuff?