Help me with fish Selection.......


Ok guys I have been reading all of your good ideas for months now I need your assistance one again. I have a 125 gallon tank, up for 4 months now, all test come back great, 220 watts of light, 18 soft corals (lowlighs), 90 pounds of lr, 120pounds of ls, plenum, berlin skimmer. Tank cycled in 3 days with the help of some garf grunge. I have two tomato clowns in there now, tank looks empty(no really it does). I would like a few tangs in there, without breaking the bank give me some suggestions as to fishes that I can put into this tank that would not pick at my corals. And since I know some tangs are very territorial help me out with which should go in first and all that. Thanks for your assistance. Looking for to what you guys have to say, your insights have help me get this far.


only put 1 tang in there, as thats about all that tank would comfortably support.
you might consider a coral beauty angel, wrasses and gobies. Jawfish are cool. and hawkfish are nice too.
but please, read up on a fish and make sure they are compatible and you can take care of them before you get them.


Active Member
I agree with ONE Tang in your tank. I have a 55gal and can't have any! Rats.
I have a 6-Line Wrasse that I just love and have been thinking of getting a Coral Beauty.
I also have a Lawnmower Blennie that's pretty cool. Not much color, but very active. Another cool addition are cleaner shrimp. Pretty and active.


I love yellow watchman gobies. They are the coolest things, they sit and stare at ya and stuff. Okay maybe they arent' that cool, but I wouldln't trade mine for anything


Thanks guys I know I could count on ya. I was looking at putting probably a Yellow and a sailfin tang, for the tang group. But since you said only one I guess I have to stick with the yellow. Was contemplating a purple tang but I cant see spending $65.00 on one fish, two probably but one. A coral beauty is a keeper, a sixline wrasse a royal gramma and three cleaner shimp to help out my UV sterilizer with diseas control. Any other ideas? I think my list is getting there. Thanks again...


You can definatly have more than one tang in a 125! I would not put anymore than three in though. The key is to get two tangs that are not in the same genus, meaning they do not have the same first part of the scientific name. A good way to tell, is most tangs from diff. genuses have a diff. "body shape". I have had my Yellow Tang (genus zebrasoma) for over two years now in a 30-gallon with absolutly no problems but just so he will be more comfortable, I plan to transfer him to my 75 gallon that is just getting started now, and but a small Powder-blue Tang (genus actanthurus) to acompany him. I also would like to indroduce a flame angel to this set-up.
For your set-up I would suggest that you get a Yellow Tang (zebrasoma) and a Hippo Tang (paracanthurus) Make sure you introduce a few cleaner shrimps as tangs are fairly ick-prone, by powerful powerheads for excellent oxygenation of the water, and provide plenty of greens and natural algeas. Tangs get along fine with angels, clowns, wrasses etc. You should have no problems picking out some tankmates for them. I say go for the tangs -- they are the best fish in the world! :D ;) :) :cool:


Active Member
I recommend that you stay away from sand sifting gobies that may disrupt your plenum.
I will be setting up a 125 SPS, softies and clam reef in december. I will have 2 kinds of schooling fish(green chromis and sunburst anthias) and a large angel fish which i will select based on feeding habits.
I feel that schooling fish add the natural look to a reef tank.