Help me with my wet/dry system

Hi i have a wet/dry system and it goes from the tube striaght to the trickel tray then over the bio balls then through a pump to the tank and my qustion is isn't there suposed to be a filter of some kind before it goes to the trickel tray and after it leaves the bios balls going to pump?
and isn't there a way to airate the water more and clean the water more befor it goes back into the tank?
any help would be great
i almost forgot but could you give me specific names of thies items so i can look them up tonight on the web or if you have pix of your stuff that i could look at like how your wet/dry is set up or your tank for that matter would be great :)


Your system sounds very similar to mine. I use a filter pad,very much like felt, on top of the trickle tray. You can buy them specifically for your size filter, or you can by a package of "cut your own". It's the same price for the most part, and you get five times the pads when you cut them yourself. Just make sure you clean them in saltwater when doing a WC. I also replace mine monthly because they can trap junk that the prefilter missed. Hope I could help!


most people use a filter pad on the drip plate..this is the plate that is on top of the bio ball area. The filter pad is blue on top and white on the bottom. You should also have a some type of pre-filter on your overflow box. I also use this same type of filter on my return pump to catch anything else


I use the carbon replacement pads (they look like black scotch-brites) for the big "pondmaster" fresh water filters 12"x12" makes two pads for my tank and as they start to plug up they lower the water level in the bio ball chamber and keep the drip plate dripping for better areation. keeps the tank at the same level too only the chamber level goes down so I know when to ad water. just fill the chamber up.
so should i get the carbon pads or the cut your own felt ones? wich is best? and what's the price diff on them? and is there like a course spongy type pad that i can put in the holding tank on the wet/dry to filter it after the water goes through the bio balls and before the pump? and would it help to put an airater in the holding tank on the wet/dry? I'm running the Amiracle one for the 55g tanks I'm not shur on the modle of it but it has blue bio balls in it
Thanx for the help guys :)