help me with tank?


Active Member
Fish Only means Fish Only, using fake docos and fake things in the tank. FOWLR means Fish Only with Live Rock, meaning you do'nt intend to put corals or feathers in the tank.


thats fine most tanks start out as fish only with live rock....then you have the option to keep it that way or after the tank has been established and you are used to taking care of the fish and doing the maintanance you can start to add corals. if you eventually want a reef tank you should take into consideration what fish you add to make sure they are going to be reef safe.


Active Member
Ok, no problem there. The lighting requirements are different for corals, they require T-5 or Metal Hilides is all, reg PC will work for Fish and Live Rock. :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by bubashrimp
also do u have any pics of these tanks
go to the Pics Forum, they have plenty to look at there for ya.


k im thinking of starting a 12g aquapod and these are the lights are they alright for coral??
High output compact fluorescent lighting system featuring two Dual Color SunPaq compact fluorescent lamps (50/50 bulbs with the correct spectrum for corals), or an HQI metal halide lamp, and Nocturnal Blue Lunar Lights to complete the 24-hour lighting cycle.
Cooling fan for light.


that lighting system IMO would be good for any corals you wanted to keep.... the metal halides get hot so you will have to top off tank more than you would with Pc lights


k so u think i can get this tank and 20lb of live sand and about 15lb of live rock and be god..also should i get the fission skimmer with the tank and is a refractometer realy needed
also where do i get water and salt and how do i mix it
and what test supplies do i get??


Active Member
Originally Posted by bubashrimp
k so u think i can get this tank and 20lb of live sand and about 15lb of live rock and be god..also should i get the fission skimmer with the tank and is a refractometer realy needed
also where do i get water and salt and how do i mix it
and what test supplies do i get??
With corals and such, get at least 2lbs of Live Rock per gallon. Refractometer, its the most accurate there is, so you can or not, hydros are not that accurate but yes you can use them. Salt, from local fish supply, Instant Ocean or one of many others to choose from. Don't know anything about a fission skimmer. All here have their own preferences on skimmers, you can do a search on them here and come up with all kinds of ideas.


so for the live rock u think i can start out by getting like 15lbs and then adding mroe and when i get to 24 i can start getting coral?and i think ill get a hydro i mean im only going to have like 2 fish and i dont even know how to use the refractometer or even any of the testing kits.
how do u put the salt water into the tank do u just poor it in and then poor in the sand ..should i have the sand and the live rock in my tank for the 1st cycle??how do i know when the cycle is dont so i can add fish?


Active Member
for a 12g aquapod your in for a harsh reality.........
your water must be stabile 24/7 any fluctuation can kill everything.
refractometer will be essential in a smaller tank as flutuations are quicker and more massive
tedmperature will raise too much with strong lights that are not high enough from water.
nano tanks are very hard to maintain if not experienced reefer
a simple non-established water change can wipe out tank and inhabitants.
just a warning......./ heads up


well this is gay i dont have the money to speend on the bigger there anyway u can make a fresh water tank look realy cool?