Help Melafix overdose!!!


Please help!! I overdosed my tank with Melafix 1%. I have a 50g or 55g not too sure mainly fish tank, have some mushrooms and a leather toadstool. The recommended dose was 5 ml for every 10 gals, equalling 25 ml, I put in 10ml for every 10 gal, so I doubled the dose on accident! I am so worried about the fish, especially my copperbanded butterfly! I did a little over a 25% water change...about 15 gals, I threw in my old active carbon filter, and a small air pump for extra aeration, and have had my skimmer on the entire time, my fish arent showing signs of aggitation, my copperband is hiding though...should I swap out more water? Please help!
thank you so much
sincerely Tera


Active Member
Hey tera,
As reefbum from another forum said about the 50% water cahnge and running new carbon is about the best you can do. And just out of curiousty what were you treating?
Also you are encouraged to only post one thread on the same topic in the forums.

al mc

Active Member
Tera you can basically change as much of a percentage of water as you like as long as it has same SG, temp, pH and salinity as the DT water. 50% change would be best. Carbon should not be needed if you do 50% change as you have then established the therapeutic dose of the Melafix with the 50% change.