Help Microbubbles!!!


Ok, I'll start by saying this is probably a dumb question, but I really need some help. I purchased a used 180gal all-glass aquarium w/corner overflows. It came with a 40 gal open sump, no baffles or anything. I first tried just putting everthing in the sump like the lady I bought it from had it. She had everthing plumbed seperately, so both overflows returned water seperately into the sump, and two seperate pumps were used for the returns. Of course after setting it up I had an enormous amount of microbubbles, and decided I needed to add baffles. The sump could not be removed from under the tank, so I removed the plumbing and built in a bubble trap while it was in place. I have 3 baffles, 2 are 9 inches high sitting on the bottom of the tank, with a middle baffle one inch off the bottom, and two inches above the side baffles (it's 10 inches tall plus 1 inch off the bottom). I spaced the baffles 1 inch apart. I added water to my tank until the water was just above the outside baffles, but my return pumps were pumping the chamber dry before water would transfer to the chamber. So I added about another half inch of water. Now both chambers are the same in water height and the water is still below the middle baffle, so I still have two chambers. But the pressure coming from the overflow pipes is strong enough that I'm still getting microbubbles in my return compartment and into my tank.
To make a short story long :). It appears to me that I have way too much flow going back into the tank. I believe the lady told me that the two pumps were rated at 600gph each, but they don't have any writing left on them to verify. Is this way too much return flow for the tank? Should I be using both pumps or just one of them and tee off the returns, or should I downgrade to smaller pumps. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am getting very frustrated with the whole thing.


bump anyone? Sorry to be pushy, but I need to purchase a different pump (if needed) before going home (I live in the middle of nowhere!!) Thanks in advance for the replies.

sign guy

Active Member
SOUNDS LIKE YOUR BUBBLE TRAP IS TOO TIGHT. what amount of spacing do you have between the baffles?


try using a filter sock. I use one on my skimmer for this very reason.


ok, i will try it, do you guys think my baffles are too close, that was the distance I read on a website recommended. Also, are 2 600gph pumps too much for my overflow?
I'm including a "crude" drawing of my sump. The one overflow pipe that looks like it's going straight down into the sump isn't. It's actually angled like the other one, but toward the front of the sump. I know I should have move gradual angles, but I only have about a foot of clearance under my stand. Sorry, ignore the line going across the top of the tank from left to right, I had it pointing at my overflow pipe with the above explanation, but had to shrink the picture to fit it in and forgot to remove the arrow.


I spaced them according to melevsreef site. Also, would a sponge between the baffles help, or is that a bad idea? When I back off the pumps the problem goes away. But I didn't plumb in t's so I'm having to back them off with a valve, and I've read that isn't good for the pumps.


back off on pumps is fine if you have a tee in the line to prevent back pressure. You could try a sponge but I would make sure it is not too dense (thick) or it will back up water (slow flow) and collect "stuff" in water and cause water issues (so clean often).
What pump?


Unfortunately, I didn't know to plumb in the T's so I'll have to add them. I have no idea what the pumps are as they came with the used tank. She told me they were rated at 600gph each, but they have no writing left on them to see what they were so I have no idea if this is correct.
I also have to have the water about 3/4 to 1 inch above my outside baffles, or the pumps pump their chamber dry faster than water flows into it, or else it pumps it low enough for a large drop in the water height in the chamber causing more bubbles.


Sorry to keep posting, but I'm very frustrated. I've been trying to get this thing set up for almost 3 weeks, while having my 55 overstocked with mine and her fish, I need to start moving some over, but hate to with all the bubbles. I thought I'd elaborate a little more.
The overflow pipes are pushing out water at what looks to me like an extreme rate, tons of bubbles and movement in that section of the sump. The skimmer is just set up and I guess in break in mode, not much water is coming out of the outflow on it, I don't know if this is correct, but compared to the overflow drains it's minimal.
I'm not sure of the water level I need in the sump. If I don't put it almost 1 inch above the two outside baffles the return pumps pump the water dry in their section. If I add a little more, the water level in the return section is lower than the other, causing more bubbles to be created when the water spills over. If I increase the level to about an inch above the outer baffles and 1 inch below the middle baffle, the water levels are the same, but microbubbles rush to the pump side before dissipating.
I keep going over the options in my head and am at a total loss. I've done the research but have never set up a sump. I was up till 4 in the morning monday night installing baffles and replumbing. I had to do all this under the stand, because the sump had to be installed through the top of the stand before setting up the tank. I'm at my whit's end. If someone can give me some basic 101 I would greatly appreciate. As I said, I've been researching for over a month, but can't seem to get it right now that I'm doing it. HELP!!
Thanks and sorry for the rant.


Sorry for another bump, but I have another question. Last night I unplugged 1 of my return pumps. This took care of the problem with the microbubbles. I'm wondering if 600gph of flow through my sump for a 180 would be ok if I made up for the flow by adding it via powerheads in the display tank. Actually, I have two SEIO 1500's in the display tank already, and could add 1 modded maxijet to get the turnover necessary in my display tank. I'm just not sure if more turnover needs to be in my sump or if it matters.


Active Member
as long as the return pump can keep up with the drains that would be fine. That is basically all the return pump is for just to equal out the drain rate.