help - moving anenomie


My BTA's are splitting like wildfire and I need to start moving them to other areas in the tank (I started with 1, then it went to 2 - now I'm at 8!). what is the best way to detach them from the rock and move them?
All 8 of them are on the same piece of live rock and I'de like to keep them alive when I move them.


If you figure that out let me know will ya

I only have about 20 or so



Active Member
That picture makes me feel.... unhappy.
I was horribly heartbroken when my bta split about 3 weeks ago.. then split again. It was so beautiful.. now I have wandering anemones moving all over my once-wonderful reef. I hate to take my clowns home away... but I dont wanna lose $1000 worth of livestock either.


I know someday soon I'll have to take that rock out and place it in my 55 filtration tank until the anemones let loose off that rock so I can get rid of some. It will be a shock to the clowns if I do, that is if I have any finger left from grabbing their anemones.


I only have about 20 or so
Wow... what a pic... i thought I had it bad...
My BTA's all keep long tetacles out there, they don't bubble up near as pretty...