HELP, moving my aquarium.....

Dennis Quick

New Member
I am moving and thought the easiest way to move my aquarium would be to set up another aquarium in my new place. Before moving I checked my parameters and everything was good. I bought new sand and mixed about 1/2 of my existing sand and used 5 gallons of water from my existing tank, I checked the parameters of my new tank and my ammonia level is 1.5 , nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 20. How do I lower my ammonia level???? I have not moved any of my wildlife but I only have 4 more days to move. Whats the next step? Thanks all


Well-Known Member
Pick up some ammonia detoxifier. You're going to have to nurse the tank along while it cycles. It will take longer but you need to keep ammonia levels down and check them every day.

Make sure the new tank is well aerated via a skimmer or air pump to keep oxygen levels up.


Active Member
Did you or are moving exsising LR to the new tank if so depending on transportation time you may have to deal with it's die off after it's been added. Just a thought. Good Luck ..!!