HELP Mushroom Completely Closed


Active Member
So I made a thread about a mushroom of mine that wasnt attached to anything. Well its in a good spot and I anticipated it attaching this week hopefully. I come in the room and its completely shriveled up and closed. Whats the matter with it? Im quite worried about it.
Just a few hours ago it was opened all the way.


Active Member
I know this is going to be considered a dumb question, but the friend I got my mushrooms from said I dont need to feed the mushrooms, but I need to confirm. Should I be feeding them? And is a mysis 2-3 times a week sufficient?


Active Member
Mushrooms will close up from time to time. It will be fine. And no, it doesn't need to be fed. Just provide it with light and decent flow and you should be fine.


Active Member
When you say closed, do you mean it shrank into near nothing-ness or it is closed up like a tiny ball? Sometimes mushrooms close up around some food-like object. Shriveling up does occur sometimes, but thought I'd mention the other thing...


Active Member
It curled up in a tiny ball. It did that for about 20-30 minutes Im guessing, because I left the room to do other things and came back and it was its normal self again. Theres nothing big enough for it to curl up around a food type object, so Im guessing (and hoping) it was just a fluke? At the same time this one did it, another one across the tank did it too.
But this one is a rhodactis I think and that ones a stripey. Dont know if it matters, but I would kind of like to know what causes this type of thing, and how frequently mushroom-keepers observe this?


Active Member
Mine tend to close up when my blood shrimp goes near (he likes to tamper with things that may be concealing edible objects). Otherwise, maybe something in the water floated by that it didn't like?


Active Member
It was about 10 minutes after I turned on the lunar lights for the night, maybe he retracted for the night. Oh well, at least I know now its going to be ok. Thanks


Active Member
All of my mushrooms shrivel up at night to about half the size. It is totally normal!


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
All of my mushrooms shrivel up at night to about half the size. It is totally normal!
Yep. Nothing to worry about.


Active Member
I thought it was dying or something. Still waiting for it to take up a rock, but it seems like every time I come home its across the tank on the bottom of the tank. Today Im picking up some superglue, cuz Im sick of it.