Help! Mushrooms appear to be dying


New Member
My mushrooms have been doing great. I was planning on propigating them. But they are shriviling and loosing color. The only change is I added an Orbit 4x65 light. I really had inadequate light before. I added a Hatian anemone and some Curly Q Anemone (free with my order) more clean up crew and a Lawnmower Blenny. Levels are the same. ph 8.4, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 40-80 (I have fought this for some time but the Mushrooms have done fine and fish show no signs of distress, colors are great) Phosphate 0, Calcium >480. Like I said, the main addition is the light. They seem to begin to retract after I added the light. Have some Yellow Polyps that I added after the light that were doing great and now they are disappearing. I use RO water with a 15 gal water change every two weeks. Aquarium is a 65 gal.
Any ideas what may be going on.
live stock before addition. Yellow tang, clown, 3 damsels,


Active Member
new lights....corals need to be light acclimated as well as regular acclimation. place shrooms on bottom of tank and reduce the amount of time your lights are on for a week or so. where do you have the shrooms and polyps now? you need to find out the source of your trate problem and reduce them through weekly water changes.


New Member
Mushrooms are on the bottom of the tank. I have fought the Nitrate problem for months. There seems to be no ill effects to anything in the aquarium but I am continuing to work on it.
Do you think it would help to move shrooms under a ledge.


i agree........lower lights to a few hrs a day and slowly bring back up to what you had them at. mushrooms are very hardy and will adapt to survive just give them time , also try feed spot feeding the yellow polyps(marine snow)
sometimes they take a while to aclimate to the new tank and water.
i had some that did the same thing and once i started to feed them they stoped dissapering and are now starting to spread.
also your trates are too high , try a higher % water change until they are below 20
good luck.