HELP My Anemone is spilling his guts



What is happening I'll post a pic so you can see, he's all shriviled, and what looks like his deteriating guts are spilling out. His tenticles are still moving and reacting though. My peremiters are - Nirates 0.5 ppm Nitrites 0 ppm Ph 7.5 And Salanity is 1.023. I don't understand why he's doing this, my cond. is just fine and constantly expanding.


Active Member
mine does this sometimes. they can do that to expel waste (the guts you are talking about maybe). my LFS guy said that its normal and to not think its dying and get rid of it. have you had it for a while or did you just get it?


I just got him about a week ago. I moved him from one side of the tank to the other (closer to my maroon rather my tomato) and soon after he started doing this. I did however notice him topside up in the sand today, that's when I flipped him over and saw this. It's gotten worse over the last thirty minutes. The whatever it is coming out of his mouth (that looks like small intestines) is now the size of a lime


That is what mine did...he died. I tossed him because it was making an awful smell and when you pull it out, it will stink horrible. I put him in the tank and thought he was acclimating but his mouth was open and his insides were coming out so instead of waiting to see if he recovered and possibly killing off everything else, I tossed him after a couple of days


Active Member
intestine looking stuff or stuff that big may be bad...all mine ever did was shrivel up and poo out gunk. sorry to say it...but maybe it is dying. idk a whole lot about anemones just givin my opinion. im sure someone will be able to help you.


Active Member
Your pH is too low. It should be around 8.2 to 8.4 and moving anemones stresses them out. It doesn't look very good to me. If you found it face down in the sand and the insides spilling out then it's probably dying. If it falls back onto the sand pick it up and get it close to the top of the water and smell. If it stinks then it's definitely dead.


Active Member
your salanity and ph is a little low. i dont think lethal...but it should be higher.
8-8.3 PH, and 1.025-1.026 salinity is ideal ocean conditions.


Active Member
Def. get the pH up....
Incase I missed it.. what lighting do you have?
1.023 is fine for fish only.. 1.026 is better since Inverts and coral will do better...