Help, my cleaning crew keeps dying.


I am having a big problem with my cleaning crew dying. I keep buying cleaner shrimp and peppermint shrimp because for some reason they keep dying. All my fish seem to be really healthy and doing great. All my water parameters eem to be really good also. Do you guys have any suggestions as to why I keep losing these guys.


What are your water params? Also with regards to the shrimp what is your sg.? What type of fish do you have? Give us a little more info and maybe we can help.:D


Active Member
is this a reef tank or fish only with inverts? Check salinity and Cu (copper) levels. Copper is deadly for all inverts. Readind must be 0ppm at all times.
How do you acclimate your newcomers?


Active Member
Yes, is this only shrimp, or all inverts (snails, corals, starfish...)?
Ever used any medications in the tank? Ever added water from your LFS to the tank?
Lots of questions that need answers before we can start to narrow it down ;)
You mentioned that all of your fish are doing fine. What fish do you have in this tank? What are all of the inhabitants of your tank?
It could be that you have incompatible tank mates.
Also, jja what part of MI are you from? I live in Clio (north of Flint, south of Birch Run).


Active Member
how old is the tank? and did it cycle completely?
ever medicated the tank?
what exactly are your readings?
nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, ph and copper?
what all is in the tank?
fish and inverts?
Any live rock?
how long do they live? hours, days, weeks or monthis?
and how do you acclimate them?
it really could be a number of things, but theese questions will help to narrow it down quite a bit.


As a child of the 80's, I can say with some authority that it was in fact "Yo Joe!!!" (At least on the cartoon!)