Help! My clown rearranging my tank!


I'm not sure what's going on but I have to rearrange my sand bed almost everyday because my clown whips his tail to move the sand to the front of the tank. The back part of my tank will have very small amount of sand at the end of the day. Can I stop this behavior or I just have to deal with it and stop rearranging the sand?


Active Member
I'd say deal with it for now, stirring up the sand can cause a spike in your levels especially ammonia and I'd rather have a temporarily ugly sandbed then no fish :(


Active Member
Mine does the same thing, I have a bare spot where it likes to be at night when the lights go out. When I had to 2 ocellaris they did the same thing. I think it is a clown thing. But just leave it and maybe it will stop.


my clown doesn't do it, but it's my velvet who does. he's kindas like making a deep cave or something. he only did it on the entrance coming in the arch. :happyfish


Mine did the same thing. I asked my LFS and they said it was a female making a nest. You can't help it but let it be. I added more sand to compensate but you may not be able to get it to stop.


Active Member
Completely normal, and will continue. It's a territory thing.... even with an anemone host they can still do this fanning to the sand. I just went ahead and let her fan all the way to the glass bottom and that was the end of it.


Active Member
My female was out of control. They were hosting and anemone but this one died. For 2 months she did the sand deal and managed to move the sand day after day. Tank was always cloudy.
I have a 6 inch SB. She dug a 4' X 1' hole down the the glass. I bought them 2 anemonies and now she does not do it any longer.


Active Member
Mine seems to have stopped but is now taking the small empty snail shells and carrying them all over the tank. One thing for sure is they are not boring fish to watch....
All normal in the clown world.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
Mine seems to have stopped but is now taking the small empty snail shells and carrying them all over the tank. One thing for sure is they are not boring fish to watch....
All normal in the clown world.

Neglected to mention about the shells. She would pick up these large shells and move them out of her area. Very entertaining to watch.
very normal


Originally Posted by FISHY7
Neglected to mention about the shells. She would pick up these large shells and move them out of her area. Very entertaining to watch.
very normal

i had a maroon clown that did that to drove me nuts i finally took it back to the pet store,couldnt even keep anything planted......i think there just clowing around


Active Member
Oh I know what you mean about moving things. I am sure if they could move the live rock they would. I have two frags of anthelia and I could not figure out how they kept on being in the sand. Sat down tonight and watched the show.....

The maroon would pick up the anthelia that is on some very tiny rock, knock it off and the bicolor blenny would then move it to the corner of the tank away from its house. This is quite commical but I am sure the frags don't like it.
Now the maroon and the coral beauty seem to want to move my new frag of toadstool. No way, I have it lodge in a nice hole now and they will not be moving that one. Darn them anyways. They don't eat the corals just move stuff around.


I think I might have sold the problem or at least lessen the fanning. I put a decor on where she was fanning and so she stopped lol.


My female ocellaris moved a chunk of Tonga branch 3 times her size, about 3 inches out of her space. How did she do that? :D