Ok, heres my story...
I came home from work yesterday to find my male clown swimming around like he was drunk (i.e., not swimming horizontally) like he couldnt swim straight and he kept swimming with his head pointing down.
Tonight, I just got home to find my female doing the same, not as bad. The male is still swimming weird.
My parameters
pH 8.2
NH3 0
NO2 0
NO3 0
SG 1.024
Temp 80.0
Anybody have any ideas?
I came home from work yesterday to find my male clown swimming around like he was drunk (i.e., not swimming horizontally) like he couldnt swim straight and he kept swimming with his head pointing down.
Tonight, I just got home to find my female doing the same, not as bad. The male is still swimming weird.
My parameters
pH 8.2
NH3 0
NO2 0
NO3 0
SG 1.024
Temp 80.0
Anybody have any ideas?