Help! My Haitian Anemone!!!


New Member
ok so for about a month or two now my haitian anemone has not been doing so well. when i put him in my tank about... 6-8 months ago he was beautiful! big, and stretching very far! i had been feeding it about 1-2 times a week, just peices of shrimp i bought from the saltwater fish food packages. i stopped feeding him as often maybe once every two weeks, (or when i remembered) because i heard that was too much to feed him. i only had two fish, (a clown that hosted in it and a coral beauty, and some hermits).and i recently started feeding a different food (Marine cuisine) because i thought it may be its diet!
I only had a power compact regular light (low lighting) because i could not afford better. he was doing great! and then i heard that all anemones need strong lighting and they can live in your tank for about 6 months until they die. i got scared, but he was doing great!
i had a high nitrate levels about 2 months ago and fixed that within a two days, but he looked bad before that.
less than a month ago i got a brand new light! :)! i thought this would perk my anemone back up! with two floresent and a metal halide. my anemone hated the light and hid under the shade of a rock for a week, i bet he was just in shock from the strong lighting. i kept feeding him but he just looks the size of a quarter short, stocky, barley has tentacles out and my clown is upset he can't host in it! i try every now and then to bring him from under his rock shelter, and he seems to look better out in the open, but not like he used to:(10x the size he is now)!
its been 3 weeks since i put my light in and my anemone still hates it and looks bad still, every day, i am afraid it will die in my tank and kill all my fish (thats what i heard happens when they get so small)
after i got my light i put in more fish (two firefish, a (3-5in) salefin tang, and a fire shrimp) but i do not think those really matter with the anemone because he looked bad before they appeared..
I have a 45gallon glass tank
a fluval 304 canister filter
an ocean pro ($100) protein skimmer that hangs off the back of the tank
Salinity= 30
specific gravity=1.022
and my ph levels are :
0ppm Nitrite
10ppm Nitrate (i think this is high because i have not done a water change yet/ or because of the recently added poop machines (Tang)
0.25ppm= Ammonia
8.0= PH
i do a 35% water change every month, (with RO water as well) and am planning on doing one this weekend (may be why i have high nitrate/ ammonia levels)
i am totally stumped!
what do you think is wrong? should i take him out? thanks for all your help!
i can post pic's if necessary!


I would say it was from not acclimating it to the halides but you said it looked bad before that. Ammonia is probably the culprit as it has to be zero. On a side note, your sailfin is going to quickly outgrow your tank. Also not sure who told you they only live six months, I've had my gbta for about two years. You just need to keep on top of water quality and lighting. Send PerfectDark a PM, he is an anemone expert and can give you a better answer than me.


Active Member
Maybe PD will chime in here but IMO
Stop moving it. Leave it alone. It will go where it wants when it wants. You are stressing it just moving it.
Get salinity to 35
Get Sg to 1.026
Do smaller more frequent water changes like 10% once per week.
Clean all filter pads, sponges, etc at water changes.
Most of all anemone need pristine water and good lighting. You have the light now get the water. And please do not try to move it anymore. With this creature you should not see any ammonia or nitrite at any time in your tests. Please don't think I am trashing you or treating you badly. Just giving you the info I believe will help you to help the anemone.


New Member
thanks for all the input (i know its all constructive criticism) :)
i know the sale fin is going to out grow the tank, and i'm not planning on keeping him forever, (we got a really good price on him, couldn't pass it up (free)
ok, i wont move the anemone anymore...
and i think i will start doing more frequent water changes...
side note: i've had the thing for 6-8months and have been doing that kind of water change the whole time, but its probably best to do it more frequently.
my fixture i'm using now is a metal halide with two florescent.
and i heard from a forum/ slat water site that the anemone's can live in bad quality lighting for about 6 months before you see the effects... and i was just wondering if anyone else has heard of this before, or if that info could be why he is looking so strange...
so i guess you guys are right when you say it's the water quality, i'll try my best to fix it.
do you think it could have anything to do with it's diet?
and have you ever heard of this type of species killing all other fish in the aquarium if/when it dies? (hoping it will not have to come to this!)
thank you! much appreciated!


Active Member
if it starts to melt you have a problem. Get it out quickly. It will start an ammonia spike that could nuke the tank. They could live in low light for some time but each animal is different in the way it was collected, transported, treated during that time. So who knows what "abuse" it had already seen prior to you getting it.
Acclimation to the new light situation and water quality are still my bet. Both of which can be overcome with a little patience and work from you. Good luck here and keep us posted on how it develops please.


New Member
THANK YOU! he's not "melting", he never looked like he was that bad, or detereorating... he just had a DRASTIC size change. he looked great when i bought him, and kept up this pristene image for about 6 months, then he shrunk up (usually used to do this after i had fed him a couple of days earlier, because he would be spitting out the remains of his food) then he would perk back up and look big and beautiful! he hasn't perked back to normal, but since i have written the post he is looking a tiny bit better... staying under the light/ "now baby" tenticles out just a little bit, still very small, and i fed yesterday, could have opened him up a bit. i am planning on keeping up with water quality more and changing more frequently, i know that anemone's are the best indicators of water quality in the tank, and i want everything to be healthy! thanks for your help! i will keep you posted!