Help!! My live rock is covered with a redish brown film!!


I currently have a 125g tank with 170lbs of fugi live rock that is only about 12 weeks old. I have had this brownish red (almost black & somewhat translucent) film starting to cover my live rock. Any help on this???? Is this bad?? I have noticed some before but not at this level. All my levels are fine and I just did a RO 10% water change 2 days ago. Thanks in advance!!!


sounds like you are just going though cycling stages i went through that to like 4 weeks ago on my smaller tank i was worryied too but its fine it will go away in like 2-3weeks


Active Member
Yep sounds like diamatons. That is the last stage of the cycle. Tanks about 2 months old? Time to increase flow and start nutrient export (aka water changes and use of a macro algae like cheato).