Help my nemos are mean


New Member
I have 3 false pre. clowns. My son got them as babies and they are a year old now.
I think they are sharks in clown clothes. Mean as can be. Every fish I put in the tank that
is bigger they eat! I would love to get these three nuts to calm down for I really want
other fish. any suggestions????
They have their seabae that they love but have taken the whole tank as theirs.


New Member
The tank is 30 gal. and yes they attack and eat bigger fish.
I have the 3 bullies, seabae, 2 starfish(they don't bother them) and some mushrooms
Oh, and my live rock. thats all
They will come and bite you when you are working on the inside of tank.
(its kinda funny), but I would like to add a couple of fire gobies. thats all


Active Member
they r damsel fish, so its natural for them to be aggressive and territorial. there isnt much u can do.


Active Member
I've never heard of false percs eating larger fish. Nipping fingers yes .... but eating larger fish? No


New Member
Well now you have heard of it. I am telling you they are mean.
I can't really get mad at them as they are so darn cute. I don't know
if they are protecting their seabae or what. Just mean little ----
I guess I will keep it just a coral tank. hahaha
Have a good weekend. Thanks everyone.


My sister has a clownfish that took over a 75 gallon tank. Every fish that she has tried to add he has killed. That includes a yellow tang! He is about 13 years old and he now has the whole tank to himself. My sister gave up trying to add other fish!


I believe you and it is because they have been too long in the tank without stranger (new fish) .. once you introduce one, they gang up on it .. I have a yellow tang on one of my tanks that just doesn't like any fish with slim/similar body, could be an angle or butterfly, he will go at it with his tail which has spine until it dies .. and he is only been in the tank for 4 month alone.
You could try mirror on your tank and your clowns probably will be attracted to the mirror than the other fish .. you could try this trick .. but no guaratee .. because my tang soon realize the mirror/fake enemy after 3 days.


Active Member
I think part of the reason is that you have 3. Clowns should be in pairs, not kept in odd numbers like that. It works with some damsel fish but not clowns. I think this odd grouping is making them more aggressive. Hope that helps.


Wow!!! They EAT fish?! I never heard that before.
I have a pair of maroon clowns and they are territorial and agressive. Like when I put my hand in, they nip and they sort of attack any new fish. But not to the point of killing or eating it. And they only do it for the first few days.
Sounds to me like they've been the only fish in the tank for too long and have become extremely territorial. Try re-arranging the rocks around. I read that worked for some people.


my Gold stripe maroons arnt mean at all, well as far as maroons go, they do protect their anemones but as for hurting other fish never (enless another clown) when my blue hippo gets close to their anemone the male will open his mouth slide up to the blue hippo and push him away and thats it, dosent leave a mark on the side of him or anything (if you have a skined fish like a tang of any kind you know how easy it is to leave a mark on it)
one thing i wish they would do is stop sturing up my sand of these days i think they are going to make the rock collum collaps from digging all the sand out from under the rocks