Help! My poor Scooter Blennie is sick!


We came home today to find our scooter blennie with her right eye buldging way out of her head. The eye doesn't look cloudy and the swollen part is actually above the eyeball itself. It almost looks like there is a big air bubble trapped under her skin right above her eye. She is acting totally normal and eating well. I'm not sure if she has popeye or if it is trapped air. Unfortunately our stupid sea clone spills air bubbles if the water level changes in the tank at all. Even when you put your arm in the tank to clean it. So after doing some tank maintenace yesterday it was really spewing bubbles for a while.
Could this have caused the swelling? I would hate to stress her out by catching her and puting her in the hospital tank if antibiotics won't help the condition. What do you guys think. Should I leave her in the main tank and just watch her? Water parameters are OK Ammo 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10 pH 8.2, Temp 80. All her tankmates are totally fine and not showing any signs of disease. Please help! :(


Staff member
yes, it is popeye. Popeye is caused by any kind of trauma to the eye, which could be a mechanical injury from a fish fight or a mishap with a rock in the aquarium, to a disease process.
I would just keep an eye on the situation for now, but be prepared to move the fish to a hospital tank if need be.
Also, if the Seaclone puts out too much bubbles that adjust the venturi down. The bubbles are supposed to stay in the skimmer in order to work, not overflow out into the aquarium. Excessive air bubbles in aquaria can be harmful to fish.
[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]


Thanks for the reply Beth. I was wondering if you think the swelling will go down on it's own and how long it might take. Like I said the eye itself looks fine no signs of inflammation and it doesn't seem to bother her at all. It just is really painful to look at. :eek:
As far as turning the venturi down. I think sea clones are pretty crappy skimmers. It will either spill bubbles or not skim at all. Like I said before any change in the water level will make it spill bubbles till it decides to settle down. A new skimmer is definitely on the shopping list.


Staff member
At this point, it is uncertain what might happen. The eye could completely clear up on its own with no further problem. If it is an injury, the injury could heal, leaving scar tissue to the eye, and this fish may continue to have a bulging eye forever.
If it is a bacterial problem, then you may need to treat with medication [Maracyn2 so get prepared for that event!]. Again, after the infection clears, you still might have a fish with scar tissue to the eye, resulting in a deformed eye, or it may completely clear up. Popeye is a symptom, not a disease. It is swelling of the doesn't signify what is causing the swelling.
We'll have to see what develops. BTW, you might want to feed the fish garlic soaked food for a week, or, if you can get Zoe or Zoecon, soak the food in that.
Good Luck!


Staff member
Knowing the Seaclone, its hard to believe that it puts out that many bubbles, but Terry is right. Lower the venturi on the Seaclone, or, better yet, remove the maxijet PH from the skimmer [the only thing of value on the Seaclone] and then toss the rest away!


New Member
I have a watchman's goby that had a similar problem recently. I cured him w/ 5-7 days penicillin in a QT tank-this reduced the swelling and then returned him back to his main tank and started feeding him selecon soaked food. W/ good lighting and a few days later, the popeye went away. I've had good success w/ this method on 4 separate occassions already. Hope this helps.