Help My Puffer!!!!!


i just got home from work and i went to feed my fish and i saw my puffer stuck top the intake of the powerhead. So i unplugged it right away and he swam off, but his body id pretty messed up from the suction,. he has the intake marks on his back and his skin is pulled up in that spot and his spikes are all sticking out..he swam off and looks like he is ok but will his body go back to normal or should i expect to see this puffer to die from this? /I CANT WIN....please help here are the pics i just took


You need to cover the powerhead intakes. Maxijet makes foam intake covers and I'm sure most other companies do as well. They also help to filter out debris. A good investment IMO.


yeah i know i have the powerhead off for now until i figure out what to do,,any idea about the fish though??


thanks, i see him looking better already..he is swimming around like nothing happened but he just looks like cr@p. But some spikes have went down since it happened, i put some stress coat stuff in the tank to help out..i hope i didnt make a mistake by doing this

tony detroit

Active Member
Stress coat will make your skimmer go nuts usually. I don't know if it will help or not..unsure.
Put vitamins like selcon,zoe,zoecon, and garlic on all the food you normally feed it. Feed it as many different types of food as you can afford, and feed it as much as it can eat in a five minute time frame as many times daily as you can. Skim good, keep water quality as good as you can, and you may want to run a UV sterilizer, it may not help you right now, but it certainly will not hurt either. Put a bioball over your powerhead intake, that should keep it from happening again. My friend that owns a fish store had a puffer that had the same thing happen, it made it, it looked like it got shot with a rifle too. Good luck, sorry I came off like a prick before, but when I give advice I mean it, it is no joke, good luck to you.


thanks, i tried to feed him live Brine shrimp and only the trigger ate them. He may still be stressed out from it...i remembered y i had the intake exposed cause when my shark was really small he got stuck in the bottom cylinder thing that i had on it so i took it off and he never got stuck again...


This happened to my porky about a month back but the itake got stuck on his eye and surrounding area. It was really bad after, all red and damaged and the lens was completely clouded. All the spines in the area were sticking up and had the skin ripped off. I Quarantined him and fed him a lot of food heavily soaked in garlic. After a couple weeks the scab fell off and now his spines went back down except for 2 in the front, and he is getting the lens back. It didn't damage his inner eye so i was quite happy about that. My porky healed quite well so i hope the best for yours.