help, my snowflake hasn't eaten for 2 weeks


New Member
My 12" snowflake eel just quit eating. He used to be pretty aggressive and latch onto any meaty food (shrimp, fish, krill)I gave him with a feeding stick. Now he barley gives it a second look. Other fish in this tank are doing fine, no sign of disease. He looks fine but I can't imagine he can go on like this for ever. Any suggestions on what else to feed him orother suggestions????


I have 3 good ideas for your eel. 1.) Frozen squid. The squid has a strong smell, and usualy tempts eels to eat. 2.) Live shrimp, these are also quite tempting for eels. It can be a cheap 10 cent ghoust shrimp, or it can be a litle more expensive little cleaner shrimp. 3.) Little goldfish. These usualy get eels to eat write away. Little shrimps, and little goldfish should never be feed on a regular basis. They are unhealthy and fatty for your eel. Good Luck, and I hope your eel pulls through!


Try peppermint shrimp, they're generally cheap here there $2-$3 each, get 2 or 4, and they'll breed from what I've heard. They are an exellent food source for any sw fish. But eels can go for quite some time without eating.


Active Member
actually freshwater ghost shrimp arent bad to your fish, although you should still feed a balanced diet. what else is in the tank? try feeding at night, my eel used to only eat then. bo


New Member
Thanks all for the quick replies. Guess I won't worry too much for a while more. I live in a pretty (pun intended) isolated part of Montana and finding different foods such as squid, ghost shrimp and even gold fish is hard to come by. We're talking 150 mile round trip to the closest aquarium shop (and stop light for that matter). Makes this hobby even a bit more challenging than it is already. Thanks again.