Help...My Tang is in bad shape


I got a yellow tang from the lfs a couple days ago. It looked fine in the store. Today is its third in my tank and things went downhill in a hurry with it today. Yesterday it was swimming around eating stuff off the live rock it looked like it was gonna do fine. Today its not really swimming just kinda slowly gliding around the tank. Its belly looks sunk in and there is algae from the glass hanging off its fins. Its hanging around the top and its breathing looks heavy. The water levels are fine. The clowns in the tank look fine. I tossed some brine shrimp and seaweed in there dosed with garlic but still no response from it. I think its malnutrition, but it's only been in the tank a couple days and was eating from the lr. Anyone have any idea whats wrong with it?


I think i might have overdosed with a plankton additive I was using. The water did look kinda green last night after I dosed it. There seems to be a slight green tint on the sand in spots now. Maybe I poisoned it?


It could be a shock/acclimation/stress problem and/or water problem. Tangs are more delicate than your average clownfish. Test your water. What are the readings?