help my tang


i've had this tang for a week. he's overcome ich and was looking great..this evening he took a turn for the worse. he looks sunk in a little with some reddish bruise like things on his head and around his tail now he's just staying still at the bottom of the tank and keeps getting sucked on the ph...
tanks is 100g
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 12.5
ph 8.1
temp 82
salinity 1.019
anyone know whats going on? he's my only fish and does not look like he will make it i'm hoping to find out whats going on to see i don't make any mistakes with future fish thanks


Active Member
First off, your salinity is a bit low. You'll want it to be at about 1.026 SG.
If you have had the tang for a week and treated him/her yourself during that time, then your tang still has ich. The parasite has a 21 day life cycle and can be cured by the use of copper or hyposalinity (both should be done in a quarantine tank). Do you think you could get a picture of your tang? Also, take a look at the "Diseased Fish" thread at the top of this page and tell us if your fish looks like any of those. :)


ah well too late he died..the white spots were gone then he had red bruiselike markings..i'm thinking that he was sick when i got him...i got him from *****...he did good for a while..yea the salinity is low but i doubt thats why the fish died usu you keep it on the high side for inverts i will begin to make it higher now that hes gone.....for my inverts and frags....i left it low due to his ick...ah well try try again.......guess we'll be staring at rock a little longer now


Active Member
I'm sorry to hear that. The Firefish I recently got from ***** had ich, and they told me they couldn't do a thing about it, so I had to go buy myself a QT and all that stuff and he's in there now (I know, I know, I should've already had one). Perhaps someone else could tell you what was wrong with your tang. He could've already had whatever caused his passing, but you never know.