help! my trigger can't swim!


This is going to sound like the dopiest sounding thread, but hey what the hec? ANyway, my beloved blue chin trigger is having some serious problems swimming. More to the point he cant full stop. Everytime he tries to swim he just looses his balance and starts twirling like a spit! When he is stationary he seems to be able to keep himself upright .
He is still eating, although I am hand feeding him so he can eat. Appetite is still good.
Ammonia, nitrites are at 0 and nitrate is 10. Any suggestions?
Have tried a week long course of melafix, no help.


temp is fine (26'C), ph is 8.3 and salinity is spot on. Wouldnt think it was stray voltage, the other fish in the tank are all fine.
Can post a pic but it would just show a standard clue chin trigger!