HELP! My worst Nightmare, My Beautiful Blue Tang has ICH!!!


Active Member
Ok, go figures that just a little while ago in one of these threads i said my blue tang was healthier than evr, now it appears to have ich. I believe it is ich, it has some like white crustation sort of thingy on one side of his face, and white spots on his body. how should i get rid of it, do you recommend I put it in my 10 gallon qt tank????? My fire shrimp seems to be cleaning him alot right now, will he get rid of the ich???? or what will get rid of the ich??????? PLEASE HELP!
Very much appreciated!


Sounds like it. Does it look like salt grains on him?? Do you have anyother fish?? Read the two sticky's at the top of this forum there is some pics of fish with ich that will help u identify and tells you how to set up ur qt tank and treat.
A ten gallon should be fine for just the tang and maybe one other fish. Any thing more than two fish will create a lot of waste and will be hard to keep water para's in line.
Puts some decorater rocks in the tank, use some type of hang on back filter with some carbon and floss, and a heater. keep temp around 78. Use 10 gallons out of the main tank, and replace the water you take out of your main tank with new ro salt water.
Perform hypo treatment on him it is probably the best method. That is lowering the specific gravity to 1.009 over the couse of 2 or 3 days. Using a refractometer, swing arms are not right on the readings, and could be dangerous while lowering the sg. After 3-4 weeks raise the sg back to normal over 5-6 days. I found you can just let the water evaporate off for a week. (don't do top off). To get sg back to normal. I'll take a pic of my qt setupup later and do a thread on how to set one up


Active Member
wow, its fine now that i did this chemical treatment to it. it was this process, which was to put the blue tang in freshwater, with this type of chemical, for ten minutes and it kills the ich, and it worked well, my blue tang is just fine now.